Notes for reading:

  • [user] - A discord user, this can be either a mention or the id of a user.
  • [member] - A discord member, this can be either a mention or the id of a user in the same server as where you are running this command
  • [arg…] - The argument can have an infinite length. Any other arguments are restricted to a single word.
  • [arg1 | arg2] - The supplied argument must be one of these.


Command Description Usage
addcard Move a card from your cards to your deck, run mycards to view your cards/deck $addcard
buypack Buy a pack of cards, run packinfo to see available packs and their cost. You will recieved 5 cards from the pack. $buypack <Basic | Mewtal Gear | Small World…>
cardchance Check what your chance of drawing a specific card is from buying a deck (this is a rough approximation) $cardchance
cardinfo Get info on the specified card $cardinfo
catrd-help Run this command to see what catrd is and get an overview of how it works $catrd-help
duel Fight another user in the ring of honor! $duel
mycards View a list of the cards you currently have (and your deck) $mycards
packinfo Get a list of cards in the specified pack, if no pack is specified it will show an overview of all packs. $packinfo [pack…]
removecard Remove a card from your deck (moves it to your cards), run mycards to view your cards/deck $removecard
sellcard Sell a card for it’s value. Run cardinfo to check the value of a card. $sellcard


Command Description Usage
checkbal Check another user’s coin balance $checkbal
daily Claim your daily 50 coins $daily
give Give a user some of your coins $give
rps Play rock paper scissors against me $rps <rock | paper | scissors>
topcoins View the global top leaderboard for coins $topcoins


Command Description Usage
clap Put the 👏 emoji in the spaces of the specified text, if no text is supplied it will use the previous message $clap [text]
communism Make some text communist, if no text is supplied it will use the previous message $communism [text…]
cow Force a cow to say the specified text $cow
crab Put the 🦀 emoji around the specified text, if no text is supplied it will use the previous message $crab [text]
defineud Get the urban dictionary definition of a word $defineud
joke Get a random joke $joke
kaomoji Display a random kaomoji! (´・ω・`) 3000 will definitely be enough to keep you busy! (v`▽´)v $kaomoji
mock Mock the previous message $mock
ship Ship two users (merge their usernames) $ship
shipn Ship two users (merge their nicknames) $shipn
shout 🇸 🇭 🇴 🇺 🇹 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇸 🇺 🇵 🇵 🇱 🇮 🇪 🇩 🇹 🇪 🇽 🇹 ❗ $shout
shrimp Shrimp $shrimp
tableslam Slam someone against a table $tableslam
worm Make a worm of the specified length $worm


Command Description Usage
anime Searches for an anime on $anime
animepic Get a random anime pic $animepic
avatar Get a user’s avatar $avatar
catfact Get a random cat fact $catfact
clearserverdata Clear ALL data stored relating to this server $clearserverdata
clearuserdata Clear ALL data stored relating to you $clearuserdata
coinflip Flip a coin $coinflip
define Get the dictionary definition of a word $define
displayhex Display the colour of a hex code, must be a valid 6 digit hex code $displayhex
dogfact Get a random dog fact $dogfact
feedback Want to give feedback? Encountered any bugs? Have a suggestion? $feedback
help Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command $help [command]
invite Generate an invite link for adding me to a server $invite
isprime Check if a number is a prime (NOTE: Will prevent the command from running at ~300 digits) $isprime
lmgtfy LMGTFY a search query, if no text is supplied it will use the previous message $lmgtfy [text…]
math Solve a math equation $math
ping Check the bot’s ping to the Discord server $ping
poll Starts a yes/no poll in the current text channel asking users to vote with the specified time. Time must be a single word in human readable format (e.g 10minutes). $poll
reverse Reverse the supplied text $reverse
roll Get a random number (inclusive) between the two specified numbers $roll
rolld DND dice roll $rolld
servericon Get the icon of this server $servericon
serverinfo Get info on this server $serverinfo
stats Get general stats about the bot $stats
weather Get the weather for the specified city (add c/f to the end to specify the degree type) $weather [city] <c/f>
whatanime Attempt to figure out what anime an image comes from, if no url is supplied it will act on the image from the previous message $whatanime [url…]


Command Description Usage
kyongun Draw someones profile picture in front of Kyon shooting a gun. $kyongun
tobecontinued Draws an image with the “To Be Continued…” arrow $tobecontinued [url]


Command Description Usage
burn Burn an image $burn [url]
cat Get a random cat image $cat
char Char an image $char [url]
deepfry Deepfry an image $deepfry [url]
dog Get a random dog image $dog
panfry Panfry an image $panfry [url]


Command Description Usage
ban Ban a user $ban [reason...]
create-emoji Create a new emoji in this server $create-emoji
create-role-preset Create a role preset $create-role-preset
forceban Ban a user by their id, this does not require the user to be in this server. $forceban [reason...]
kick Kick a user $kick [reason...]
prefix Set the prefix for this server, if no prefix is specified this will return the current prefix for this server $prefix [prefix]
purge Delete the most recent messages in this channel. Max 50 messages at a time. $purge
slowmode Sets the slowmode of a channel, can be set to any number (in seconds) - unlike the channel settings! $slowmode


Command Description Usage Stream music from into your current voice channel $
loop Loop music into your voice channel (takes either a search query or a youtube url) $loop
pause Pause the currently playing song $pause
play Play music into your voice channel (takes either a search query or a youtube url) $play
resume Resume (unpause) the currently playing song $resume
summon Summon the bot into your voice channel $summon


Command Description Usage
bite Bite someone! $bite
blush It’s literally the name of the command $blush
boop Boop someone! $boop
confused It’s literally the name of the command $confused
cry It’s literally the name of the command $cry
cuddle Cuddle someone! $cuddle
dance It’s literally the name of the command $dance
happy It’s literally the name of the command $happy
hug Hug someone! $hug
kiss Kiss someone! $kiss
laugh It’s literally the name of the command $laugh
lewd It’s literally the name of the command $lewd
lick Lick someone! $lick
pat Pat someone! $pat
poke Poke someone! $poke
pout It’s literally the name of the command $pout
punch Punch someone! $punch
scared It’s literally the name of the command $scared
shocked It’s literally the name of the command $shocked
slap Slap someone! $slap
smile It’s literally the name of the command $smile
smug It’s literally the name of the command $smug
surprised It’s literally the name of the command $surprised
tickle Tickle someone! $tickle
wave It’s literally the name of the command $wave